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:: word gathering ~ spirit of the soul ::

" What is divinity if it can come

only in silent shadows and in dreams?

Shall she not find in comforts of the sun,

in pungent fruit and bright green wings or else

in any balm or beauty of the earth?

Divinity must live within herself;

passions of rain, or moods in falling snow;

grieving in loneliness, or

unsubdued elations when the forest blooms;

gusty emotions on wet roads on autumn nights;

and pleasures and all pains,

remembering the bough of summer

and the winter branch.

These are the measures destined for her soul."

{Wallace Stevens - Sunday morning}

~ happiness was the greatest gift of expectancy

~ my heart eager

~ burrowed into this happy feeling

~ for a blessed moment

~ I reveled in the unfolding

~ to live what you feel

~ vibrating with adoration & desire

~ lightness of being

~ arrivals. all potential

~ this easy happiness lifts her

~ luxuriates in detail - what I think of as illuminations

~ everything unfolding, everything new & shining

~ a feeling of exhilaration sweeps through me

~ I tend to get happily lost

~ I choose to dwell in the light

~ I'm quite happy moseying

~ the giddy vitality of the present

~ I feel it more quietly

~ my compass shifts back to its center

~ recovered, refreshed, filled with a wonderful sense of well-being & vitality

~ lustrous with contentment

~ laden with the most marvelous possibilities

~ a-brim with anticipation

~ for the moment, time must be her own

~ to be filled with unexpected delights

~ content & peaceful, to feast and fill her eyes

~ for where your roots are, your heart is

~ joyous feeling

~ synchronicity & serendipity

~ what we deeply & truly yearn for

~ dreamlike drifting

~ to soothe with soft words

~ filled with the shivering of life

~ lost in the meditation of it

~ there is a universe within

~ the swelling of my soul...calling something forth

~ a heart moved, lifted higher

~ nurtured a secret hope

~ to astonish & delight

~ the delightful life you lead

~ some moments set my heart on fire, and that's when language seems the smallest

~ my lodestar, the pinpoint of light by which I charted my path

~ what waves of impulse swept about her being

~ grown outward, expanding its scope & intricacy

~ of the wishful & the wonderful

~ feeling that this moment, this hour, this universe could not be improved upon

~ to take the greatest pleasure in the simplest of things

~ to pursue the satisfaction of the spirit

~ everything infused with a rich melody of possibility

~ time was suspended in those magical moments

~ I watched in peaceful wonderment

~ space to walk & to think, crisp natural light, fresh sea air, possibility

~ what I love most are the quiet, ordinary moments

~ with wonder in her eyes & the belief in magical things in her heart

~ her heart roared with emotion

~ slowly unfurling like the petals on a rose

~ light & delightful

~ she felt a great opening up of her soul

~ poetic heights of passion

~ such sacred clarity

~ softness at the core of everything

~ questing inward

~ her spirits fire

~ shimmering with possibility

{words gathered from various sources, not my own}


Nibedita Mahapatra
Nibedita Mahapatra
Sep 20, 2022

April, you are my inspiration. Thank you so much. You inspired my love for words. Now I also try to maintain a journal. Am an ardent follower from my flickr days....


Cathy Sly
Cathy Sly
Aug 23, 2022

Such a beautiful list, April!



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