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:: word gathering ~ light of dawn ::

To Morning

" O holy virgin! clad in purest white,

Unlock heavens golden gates, and issue forth;

Awake the dawn that sleeps in heaven; let light

Rise from the chambers of the east, and bring

The honey'd dew that cometh on waking day.

O radiant morning, salute the sun

Rous'd like a huntsman to the chase, and with

Thy buskin'd feet appear on our hills."

{William Blake}

~ in the quiet hours before dawn

~ as the sky was turning shades of pink & apricot

~ of dreaming spires in dawn mist

~ to see the dawn nudge up over the rooftops

~ sunrise rosy & golden

~ in the early sunlight of a summer dawn

~ sunrise colored the sky in a burst of bright orange & striated pink

~ dawn burnishes the world from gray to golden as the sun rises

~ lit from within, excited by the prospect of waking to a new day

~ with the waking world you are free

~ mellowed to the morning light with a new radiance

~ as the sun begins to rise, she is overcome with thoughts of an affirmation, a proclamation,

a promise - to shine everywhere & always to the very depths of her days

~ the navy hue of dawn

~ morning light was clear & melodic

~ what a privilege to be awake at dawn to watch as the sky turned from navy to gray,

lavender to violet

~ the rising fingers of sunlight

~ in the deep blue of new morning, the dance of light about the branches

~ early sunlight soft & golden

~ sky spread with the sun's rosy stain

~ for blue skies & dawns lovely with birds

~ dawning light was new & tender

~ the sun was spreading warm like honey over the morning

~ on the dewy dawn morning

~ the morning seemed to break into a million shards of light & color

~ in the pink-pearl light of dawn

~ in the soft, breathing hours before dawn

~ golden, even in the morning the light was softly drowsy

~ lemony light of the morning

~ the milky, uncertain light of dawn

~ morning light streams in through the window, a soft yellow, a burgeoning glow

~ a sunrise of frosty pinks & silvers

~ dew soaked dawn

~ dawn sends a sheaf of hallowed golden rays

~ eastern sky lightens the hem of the night pulling away

~ spider webbed light of dawn coming through the conifers

~ the sun rose golden in the pink sky

~ promise of daylight cast a ribbon along the horizon

~ tinged with all the splendor of dawn

{word collected from various sources}



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