" Fall has fallen.
The leaves are yellow against
the dark blue-grey sky
and the winds have picked up.
The winds that are still warm and
force your eyes to close in silent reverence
to the sensations on your face when
they brush past; you can almost
hear the music in it, carried from
somewhere far too far away just
to meet you on this day.
Where does the wind go, where
does it sleep at night and what
secrets shouted into it does it
carry past our ears?
I am listening.
I will always be listening.
Whisper to me."
the years harbinger
of the autumnal season...
this in-between time
filled with the slow
transition of the turning season.
I feel the anticipation of
quieter days ahead
moments filled with coziness...
a book in my lap,
tea brewing in the kettle.
A slowing down of the year,
nestling in,
living at a quieter pace.
A heart in tune to the
pace of nature.
Such a beautiful collection of light and beauty!