" The rustling of leaves under the feet in the woods and under hedges.
The crumpling of cat-ice and snow down wood rides, narrow lanes and every street causeways.
Rustling through a wood, or rather rushing while the wind hallows in the oak tops like thunder.
The rustles of birds wings startled from their nests, of flying unseen into the bushes.
The whizzing of larger birds over head in a wood, such as crows, puddocks and buzzards.
The trample of robust wood larks on the brown leaves,
and the patter of squirrels on the green moss.
The fall of an acorn on the ground,
the pattering of nuts on the hazel branches, ere they fall from ripeness.
The flirt of ground-larks wing from the stubbles,
how sweet such pictures on dewy mornings
when the dew flashes from its brown feathers."
{Pleasant Sounds}
Oh, October...
how sadly I say goodbye
with the wish that you could
linger just a bit longer.
Your days filled my eyes
with such vibrant light
and color.
How I cherished my daily rambles
hearing confetti crunch underfoot,
inhaling your sweet autumnal scents.
These gifts and memories bestowed
held dearly to my heart.
For now, so long...
until next year.