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:: maybe this year... ::

" We spend January walking through our lives

room by room,

drawing up a list of work to be done,

cracks to be patched.

Maybe this year, to balance the list,

we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives...

not looking for flaws,

but for potential."

{Ellen Goodman}

Hello, dear friends. I hope this new year finds you filled with peace & good health. After some much-needed time away from the distractions and endless chatter online, I'm happy to be back here in this space.

These lines are some of my favorites for the new year. I love new beginnings, the idea of vast possibilities on the horizon. Yet, nevertheless, when the turning of the calendar to a new year approaches, I find myself spiraling into that vortex of so many ideas tumbling in my brain, which leads to overwhelm and unnecessary stress. Yep, I do it to myself and I'm sure it's fair to say, I'm not alone. With the blessing of the grace of age, I've learned to roll with it, to let those ideas simmer without necessary action, while at the same time appreciating that my soul feels such elation and inspiration.

Journaling has always been a source of solace for my chattery mind, giving my thoughts and words a soft place to land while at the same time serving as reminders for the potential in the many avenues of my life. I don't have to act on anything, knowing the ideas are there when the time is right.

Isn't it exciting to think of all the goodness that lies ahead in this new year. All the opportunities for the potential to grow, learn and love just a little bit more and hold in our hearts the belief that anything is possible.

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1 Comment

Mar 30, 2023

This article is really helpful 😋😘

Love it😉😉




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