" Books never really end.
They stay with you, good or bad, and can float in your mind without warning.
Years later, the faint embers of line drift across your conscience
or a place you have visited only in print flickers by.
Books take root.
A book alters you, only in a minor way and sometimes fleetingly,
but you're never the same when you've finished as you were on page one.
The feeling is at its rawest and most vital in the few days after you've devoured a loved book.
It stalks your thoughts and prompts sighs and half wishes
that time could be reversed and our reading not yet complete.
It has seeped into your consciousness, its rhythms still shadowing you."
{Scribbles in the Margins}
there are few novels in a lifetime
the chosen ones
whose lines leave lasting scars
of such wondrous words
to remain forever in ones heart.
{on reading Les Misérables}